Information Centers

Chamber of Commerce

Engage with a reliable partner

Located Downtown On Main
Economic Development

Engage with a reliable partner

Development with Vision

Mayor Of Superior

Mila Besich
Mila Besich Mayor

Mayor Mila Besich provides dynamic, focused and purpose-driven leadership to the Town Council and staff.  She serves her community with energetic zeal to lead the community to economic and community prosperity, engaging in policies and programs that benefit both residents and citizens.  She is a business-friendly elected official, working with small business owners, entrepreneurs and corporate executives to identify, create and capitalize on opportunities that will yield positive, long-term economic and societal benefits for Superior.

Mayor Besich was elected to the Superior Town Council in 2013 and was elected as the Town’s first directly-elected woman Mayor in 2016.  Mayor Besich was re-elected in 2018 to a four-year term. 

She leads with a motto of “Together, We are Superior”.


Mayor's Priorities

We’re investing in our community

Your Elected Officials

Gilbert Aguilar
Gilbert AguilarTown Council Member
Vanessa Navarrette
Vanessa NavarretteTown Council Member
Michael Alonzo
Michael AlonzoTown Council Member
Olga Lopez
Olga LopezTown Council Member
Bruce Armitage
Bruce ArmitageTown Council Member
Amy Byrd
Amy ByrdTown Council Member

Town of Superior


Employee Resources


Contact Details


 Office: 520-689-5752

 Fax: 520-689-5822.

199 N. Lobb Ave

PO Box 218, Superior AZ, 85173